Label: Parlophone
Think of this EP as Coldplay’s version of Radiohead’s bonus In Rainbows disc that was released in that extremely expensive box set that has inexplicably yet to be released on its own. (C’mon Thom, you could learn a little from Chris Martin and his boys, release that bonus disc as an EP already!)
If you’re one of the few that has yet to purchase the magnificent Viva La Vida, however, you can pick up a special edition with Prospekt’s March added as a bonus disc. It’s also available as an EP by itself. Since it’s so brief, Prospekt feels like a coda to Viva La Vida. For those of us who didn’t want the musical journey to end after “The Escapist,” we get more from those sessions produced brilliantly by Brian Eno.
Prospekt’s March and Viva La Vida mark the year when Coldplay became more than a multi-platinum band. Berryman, Buckland, Champion and Martin are on the verge of a magnum opus that has the potential of injecting a much needed post modern artfulness into the rhyme-less direction that is contemporary pop music.